Product images and linking
Customers of Hofman Animal Care are allowed to use all images on the site. However, these products must be sourced from Hofman Animal Care. The images and linking headers must not be distributed, copied, etc.

This is fully managed by Hofman Animal Care and under no circumstances may be used on other websites.
Hofman Animal Care Logo
The placement of a Hofman Animal Care logo on your website is free of restrictions.
Use of photos and other materials: the use of images on this website by third parties is entirely at their own risk. We try to identify the rightful owner of the photos and other materials to use the material with their permission. However, this may not have been successful in all cases. If there is material for which you can prove ownership and do not want us to use it on our website in the current way, please contact us via No rights can be derived from the information and images shown on this site. Despite the constant care and attention that Hofman Animal Care pays to the composition of the site and the data and images included therein, Hofman Animal Care does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or ongoing timeliness of the data, nor of websites in any way whatsoever connected with the Hofman Animal Care website. The data on this site can be changed without warning. Hofman Animal Care excludes any liability with regard to the information provided, in any form whatsoever. You indemnify Hofman Animal Care for all damages resulting from claims by third parties regarding the violation or non-compliance with the terms, or otherwise related to or arising from your use of the website.